Stories of Generosity: A Moment with Our Savers – Ibotta Blog

In tough times, we always look for the helpers. Our team has been so inspired by the generosity shown by Ibotta Savers, we want to use today to celebrate them and all they’ve done to help their communities.

I took many of my overstocked rebate items that I have acquired, such as noodles, pasta sauces, cereals, spaghetti-ohs, rice, etc to our 2 local pantries. They are located in a park and in a church parking lot for anyone needing help! I was able to stock both of them to the brim and will be going back in a few days to add more as needed! With schools being out and very limited options (one store and gas station) for food in a small town, I wanted to make sure local families, especially those with kids didn’t have empty bellies during this turbulent time of the unknown.

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