Realistic Resolutions & How to Keep Them

Make 2021 the Year of You by setting yourself up for success when setting your goals. “Go big or go home!” is a great motto for many things in life, but not so much when you’re trying to keep your New Year’s resolutions.  

In fact, one of the reasons so many people fail to keep their resolutions is because they’re setting their sights too high. If your goals are too lofty, they start to feel unattainable. And if they’re unattainable, why even bother? 

“There’s nothing wrong with taking bold action. Life and happiness occasionally demand it,” explains author B.J. Fogg in his book Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything. “But remember that you hear about people making big changes because this is the exception, not the rule.”

This year, instead of setting stretch goals that you’re likely to abandon by the end of the month, try making realistic resolutions that will improve your life in small ways.

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